September 22, 2017

Fiber in the news- Venice Biennale 2017

A recent thread on the Facebook page for Studio Art Quilters Associates was about what is new and next in fiber art. There are many quilt world artists who think that fiber is not respected in the world of art. They are under the impression that it is under represented. Fiber has been well represented at the last few Armory shows in NYC and here is plenty in Italy.
Enjoy wonderful works of art here:


Susan Lenz said...

I'm so glad I'm not alone within the insular world of Studio Art Quilt Associates. I've always wondered why so many members are under the impression that fiber arts are not respected and not well represented in the wider world of art. Susan

Kevan Lunney said...

Susan, thanks for leaving a comment.
yes there is more to fiber art life than quilting and the quilt world. I remember being stunned into silence at a SAQA conference when Robert Revere McFadden director of the Museum of Art and Design, in NYC, who had just expressed his dismay that no one had entered any fiber art which included light or electronics for him to jury, and a woman argued with him that she was a quilter and that these were all quilters and that's not what they do! I would have guessed the response to be quiet and respectful curiosity and perhaps some discussion about what he has seen that this population is oblivious to ! Oh well. I am thrilled that artists are open to including fibers in the wide world of materials.